How do Mutual Funds work?

Mutual funds take money from investors and deploy it in various securities that help them achieve their objectives

Role Of Blockchain in Asset Management

Blockchain technology in asset management is useful in reducing the risk of errors and improving the efficiency of the asset management process

ULIP and Mutual Funds : Comparison

ULIP is an insurance product that carries a portion of product that invests in equity, debt, and money market instrument. Whereas Mutual Funds…

How much money is enough when it comes to savings and investing?

It is important to consider your long-term financial goals and create a budget that takes into account your income, expenses, and debt. This…

How Growth Investing Can Help You In Creating Wealth?

Growth investing is a strategy that involves buying stocks of companies that are expected to grow at a faster rate than the market…

Indexation – A wonderful finance tool to save tax

Indexation is a important tool that helps in lowering the tax liability on the capital gain on the investments in debt oriented mutual…

XIRR, CAGR and Absolute Returns. Important tools in investment and lending

As an investor, borrower, lender, these metrices are useful in the calculation of the return on investments or cost of the funds. These…

Credit Card – Is it good or bad?

Having a credit card can offer many benefits, but it's important to use it responsibly and manage credit card debt carefully to avoid…

Hybrid Funds gives you exposure in equity and debt. Find out the Types and its Benefits

Whether you invest for the short term or the long term with an aggressive strategy, hybrid funds' mixed equity and debt components help…

Reason for Multi asset allocation and diversification in investments

Investors must aim for multi-asset allocation to provide a protection from the downside risks and prevent a significant erosion in the capital during…