Polygon blockchain utility, advantages and disadvantages

Introduction -Polygon blockchain

Polygon blockchain (formerly known as Matic Network) is an open-source, multichain scaling solution for Ethereum. It is a layer 2 scaling solution that utilizes a network of sidechains to offload transactions from the main Ethereum blockchain, allowing for faster and cheaper transactions.

Features of Polygon blockchain

One of the key features of Polygon is its use of a modified version of the Plasma framework, which allows for the creation of child chains that can process transactions independently of the main Ethereum blockchain. These child chains are secured by a network of validators, who are responsible for ensuring the integrity of the transactions taking place on the child chains.

Polygon also uses a form of consensus called Proof of Stake (PoS) based on Ethereum’s Casper protocol. Validators on the network can stake their own Ether as collateral in order to participate in the validation process and earn rewards for their participation.

In addition to providing faster and cheaper transactions, Polygon also enables the use of a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps) and services, including decentralized exchanges (DEXs), non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces, and gaming platforms.

Utility of Polygon blockchain in Real Life

One real-life example of how Polygon is being used in the NFT marketplaces. One of the most popular NFT marketplaces, OpenSea, has migrated to Polygon to take advantage of its faster and cheaper transactions. This allows users to buy and sell NFTs with significantly lower transaction fees and faster confirmation times compared to using the main Ethereum blockchain.

Another example is in the Gaming industry. Polygon is being used by several gaming dApps such as Quidd, Sorare and Decentraland, which allows users to play games, buy and sell in-game items and assets with faster and cheaper transaction fees.

Advantages of Polygon blockchain:

  1. Scalability: Polygon utilizes a network of sidechains to offload transactions from the main Ethereum blockchain, allowing for faster and cheaper transactions.
  2. Lower Transaction Fees: Because transactions take place on sidechains, they are not subject to the same high fees as transactions on the main Ethereum blockchain.
  3. Faster Confirmation Times: Transactions on Polygon sidechains are confirmed much faster than on the main Ethereum blockchain.
  4. Compatible with Ethereum: Polygon is fully compatible with Ethereum, meaning that any dApp or service that runs on Ethereum can also run on Polygon.
  5. Increased adoption of blockchain technology: Polygon is being used to scale the Ethereum network, this is increasing the adoption and usage of blockchain technology in the real-world.

Disadvantages of Polygon blockchain:

  1. Complexity: The technology behind Polygon is complex and may be difficult for some users to understand.
  2. Security: As a layer 2 scaling solution, Polygon relies on the security of the main Ethereum blockchain. In the event of a security breach on the main blockchain, the child chains on Polygon could also be at risk.
  3. Limited use cases: As of now, Polygon has been mainly used for NFTs and gaming, its use cases are still limited.
  4. Limited decentralization: As of now, Polygon has a limited number of validators and the network is more centralized.
  5. Risk of regulatory action: As Polygon is a relatively new technology, there is a risk that it may be subject to regulatory action in the future. This could limit its development and adoption.


In summary, Polygon is being used to scale the Ethereum network and allow for faster and cheaper transactions for a wide range of dApps and services, which in turn is increasing the adoption and usage of blockchain technology in the real-world.

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