Did you know that Infibeam wanted to buy Flipkart? And Flipkart had almost sold themselves!

Flipkart was yet to be incorporated as a company. Sachin had recently got married and it was perhaps time to cut his losses.…

Sovereign Gold Bond – Understanding, Benefits, Taxability, FAQs

Sovereign Gold Bond is a digital gold certificate issued by Government of India in the units of per gram of gold

BSE and NASDAQ – a comparison of the two stock exchanges

BSE and NASDAQ are two of the most well-known stock exchanges in the world, each with its own unique characteristics, history, and features.…

Rupee 2000 Denomination Banknotes in India – Withdrawal from Circulation; Will continue as Legal Tender

Public must deposit the ₹2000 denomination banknotes as none in the market shall accept it going further in exchange of goods & services....

Reasons for change in taxations in debt mutual funds and what to do now?

Hence the move by MoF to curb the tax arbitrage of debt mutual fund is a measure to address the liquidity issues of…

Amazing Information on Stock market trends by Samuel Benner in 1875. Must see!

This analysis is amazingly accurate. Made in 1875 by Samuel Benner shows periods of panic, good time to sell assets and good times…

How Growth Investing Can Help You In Creating Wealth?

Growth investing is a strategy that involves buying stocks of companies that are expected to grow at a faster rate than the market…

Indexation – A wonderful finance tool to save tax

Indexation is a important tool that helps in lowering the tax liability on the capital gain on the investments in debt oriented mutual…

What is exchange traded funds?

Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs are financial instruments designed to mimic / track the leading index on the stock exchange. Eg. ETFs in…

Top 10 countries with biggest military spends

Countries in the world over is spending huge amount in their military expansion. Find out the top countries in the world based on…